19. July
at 20.30
Mestni muzej (City Museum) - Ljubljana


Luigi Santo, trumpet

Daniela Gentile, piano

Luigi Santo is a qualified trumpet player at the Academy of Music in the City of Cosenza, his musical studies continue in Paris with P. Thibaud; afterwards he gets specialized in the romantic repertory with the Russian Maestro Timofei Dokshitser. With brass quintet “Brass Collection” he plays an intensive activity of concerts. With the meeting of the American trumpet player David Short, a new collaboration begins, this will afterwards bring them to create the orchestra called “The Brass Choir Consort” with whom he has participated in many RAI television programs.

Author of pieces for brass quintets printed and published by Gerard Billaudot-Paris and by ITC Reift-Switzerland. He worked together with boards like: the Orchestra Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome, the Regional Orchestra of Tuscany, the Symphonic Orchestra of Abruzzi and the Orchestra of the Theater “Massimo” of Catania, there he played with famous Interpreters and Directors. As soloist held concert in “Ramsey Concert Hall” -Georgia University of Athens – USA; in “Rimskij-Korsakov Hall” of S.Petersburg – Russia; in “Segovia Hall” in Linares – Spain, and in Finland, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Slovenia, Romania, Moldavia and Middle East. Held performances with knowned international musicians as Fred Mills, Scott Hartman, Mark Mc Connell, Mike Moore, Bobby Shew, Andrei Ikov, Chris Martin, Jim Thompson. Trumpet teacher at the Academy of Music in Matera, is Artistic Director of the International Brass Festival “Tubilustrium”. CDs: “Silenzio…..gli Ottoni!”, (by Marcophon); “Fred&Friends”; “Tubilustrium 2005”. In 2006 played first Italian performance of Shostakovich Piano-Trumpet Concerto, in the famous version by the great Russian Trumpeter Timofei Dokshitser.


Daniela Gentile graduated with honours from the school of Maestro Lethea Cifarelli at the Conservatorio di Musica “A. Casella” in L’Aquila.

She attended a teaching course on “Forme Sonate” held by Maestro Fausto Razzi and Seminars on contemporary music organized by the school of composition of the same maestro.

She attended a teaching course in piano studies at the Julliard School U.S.A., with Maestro David Rose, and also in France with Maestro Bouqueth. She also obtained a Masters in Piano specialization with Maestro Bruno Canino and a specialization with Maestro V. Voskobojnikov. She recorded concerts for mayor broadcasting networks RAI 1, RAI 2, RAI 3.

She has given concerts at Music Institutes and Public Centres in many italian cities performing pieces by great composers: Liszt, Chopin, Beethoven and especially Mozart.

She has done tournees in Russia, France, U.S.A., Greece and has played in the National Theatre of Lagos, Nigeria and in Accra Ghana, receiving praise from both critics and audience. She not only performs solo and her repertoire goes from the classic to contemporary compositions.

She is a Piano teacher at the Conservatorio of Bari.


  1. Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759): Larghetto
  2. Eric Ewazen (1954-): Sonata per Tromba e Pianoforte
  3. Arno Babajanian (1921-1983): Notturno
  4. Alexander Fyodorovich Goedicke (1877-1957): Konzert-Studie op.49
  5. George Gerswhin (1898-1937): Rhapsody in Blue

In coproduction with Festival Spectrum.

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