31. August
at 22.00
Nights in Old Ljubljana Town
Novi trg (New Square) - Ljubljana

tAman (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia)

Maida Džinićvocals
Jelena Ždrale, violin, vocals
Luka Ropret, guitar
Nino de Gleria, double bass
Marjan Stanić, drums

Sevdah with innovative musicians who breathe spontaneity into the traditional Bosnian genre.

After a two-year lull, tAman returns to the stage with a fresh repertoire, extended to the field of traditional music »from Vardar to Triglav«. With the explosive drums of Marjan Stanić, the unique bass of Nino de Gleria, the creative guitar style of Luka Ropret and the charismatic female duo, Jelena Ždrale and Maida Džinić, on the front with violin and vocals, in 2016, in their debut tAman uniquely cultivated the Bosnian Sevdah and Macedonian traditional song. With their superior knowledge and broad perception of music, they have connected the traditional and the urban, turned melancholy into optimism, and created a new »look-and-sound« on songs that have been heard so many times. With its energetic performance, tAman moves the most static listener, brings the cold-hearted to tears, and always surprises us on stage with its innovativeness, creativity and spontaneity. We were impressed by them at Cankarjev dom at the Druga Godba Festival, on the roof of the LGL, at Menza pri koritu at Metelkova, at the Nights in Old Ljubljana Town Festival, at the Celebration of Music, as well as at concerts in the republics of the former Yugoslavia.

Free admission.

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