23. August
at 9.00
SIMPOSIUM 23. – 25. 8.



Thursday, 23. 8. 2018:

8.30–9.00 Registracija
9.00–10.30 Introductory Presentation and Keynote Address

Svanibor Pettan: National Contexts – Sounds of Minorities – Personal Experiences

Ursula Hemetek: On the Importance of Research on Music and Minorities in Ethnomusicology: Terminological, Historical and Socio-political Aspects

10.30–11.00 Odmor / Break
11.00–12.30 Minorities in the Slavic Contexts
Chair: Žanna PärtlasOlha Kolomyyets: The Sounds of “Others”: Ethnic Minorities in Socio-cultural Dynamics of Modern UkraineDanka Lajić Mihajlović:  Minority Sounds as Subjects of Ethnomusicological Studies in SerbiaMikhail Bryzgalov: Musical Cultures of Russia’s Indigenous Minorities in the Russian National Museum of Music
12.30–14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.30 ICTM World Network: Experiences and Prospects.

Presentations of the Past and Present in National Contexts


Bernd Brabec de Mori (Austria)
Sayeem Rana (Bangladesh)
Žanna Pärtlas (Estonia)
Irena Miholić (Croatia)
Dorit Klebe (Germany)
Essica Marks (Israel)
Ram Prasad Kadel (Nepal)
Danka Lajić Mihajlović (Serbia)
Mojca Kovačič (Slovenia)
Lasanthi M. Kalinga Dona (Sri Lanka)
Marcello Sorce Keller (Switzerland)
Olha Kolomyyets (Ukraine)
Katrin Lengwinat (Venezuela)
Ursula Hemetek (Austria; ICTM Secretary General)

Coordinator: Svanibor Pettan (ICTM Vice-president)

15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–17.30 ICTM World Network: Experiences and Prospects.
Discussion: Visions of the Future  
18.00–20.00 Boat trip with light dinner along the Ljubljanica river
20.00 Concerts

Friday, 24. 8. 2018:



Voices of Indigenous Peoples
Chair: Bernd Brabec de Mori
Katrin Lengwinat:
Indigenous Resistance, Festival Culture and IdentityLasanthi Manaranjanie Kalinga Dona:
Indigenous Voices within the Majority-Minority Discourse in Sri LankaSayeem Rana:
Charya: Seeking the Source Amongst Bengali Ancestral Minorities
10.30–11.00 Odmor / Break
11.00–12.30 From Old to New Contexts

Chair: Essica Marks

Ram Prasad Kadel: An Introduction to the Current Situation of Minorities’ Musics in Nepal

János Sipos: Ethnic Minorities in Azerbaijan

Dorit M. Klebe: “Türkischer Arbeiterchor Westberlin” vs. “Begegnungschor”: Choir Foundations (1973/2015) in the Context of Immigration and the Flow of Refugees in Berlin

12.30–14.00 Lunch


PANEL 1: Svanibor Pettan, Leon Stefanija, Ana Hofman, Mojca Kovačič, Drago Kunej, Urša Šivic:
Music and Minorities: Transcultural Dynamics in Slovenia after 1991
15.30–16.00 Break
16.00–17.30 PANEL 2: Vesna Bajić Stojiljković, Alenka Bartulović, Miha Kozorog, Alma Bejtullahu:
Different Perspectives on Creativity of the Minorities in Slovenia
18.00–19.00 Mojca PajnikMEET – Media Education for Equity and Tolerance. Presentation and projection of the documentary
20.00 Concerts

Saturday, 25. 8. 2018:

9.00–9.30 Svanibor Pettan: Mantle Hood, The Ethnomusicologist (1918-2005), lecture at the exhibition
10.30–11.00 Odmor / Break
11.00–12.30 PANEL 3: Alejandro Iglesias Rossi, Susana Ferreres, Julieta Szewach, Anabella Enrique, Emilia Sosa Cacace, Juan Pablo Nicoletti, Lucas Mattioni, Nahuel Giunta, Lautaro Toscano, Diana Ramírez Sánchez, Juan Vila, Andrés Fortunato, Nicolás Luzny, Luciana Favit and Marie-Séraphine Vincent:
Musical Legacy of Indigenous Cultures of the Americas
12.30–15.00 Boat trip with lunch along the Ljubljanica river
15.00–16.30 ROUND TABLE: Davide Mancini, Katalin Szilárd, Jan Hoozee, Janoš Kern, Rok Košir, Ágnes Künstler, Katja Šulc: Music of Minorities in the Context of Festivals
20.00 Concerts
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