At the UNESCO General Assembly in 2011, following the initiative of legendary jazz composer Herbie Hancock, April 30 was declared International Jazz Day, and in 2012, it was added to the United Nations’ calendar and is now celebrated in more than 190 countries. Although UNESCO designated April 30 as International Jazz Day, in our country, the celebration grows stronger each year, with jazz concerts occurring from April 25 to May 10 across Slovenia. International Jazz Day is not only important for promoting jazz music but also for the ideas upon which this musical genre is founded. UNESCO recognizes jazz as a means of freedom of expression and dialogue among cultures, a synonym for respect for human rights and the dignity of both women and men, regardless of their origin. This year, we are happy to report that we are cooperating with a host of partners and supporters:
Slovenska nacionalna komisija UNESCO, Turizem Ljubljana, Prulček, Ustvarjalni laboratorij Krater, Jazz Ravne, Kulturni dom Nova Gorica, Občina Gornji Grad, Zavod za turizem, kulturo šport in mladino Metlika, Jazz Hram Postojna, Caffe Teater Piran, Okrepčevalnica Cerje, Fabrika, Vinarna Movia, Pritličje, Ferdinand, Vida, El Patrón, Pizzeria Piccola, Apothéka, Makramé, and Rina Bistro.
JAZZ KONCERT ZHLEHTET: NEW ALBUM Ustvarjalni laboratorij Krater,
Saturday 27 April at 7 PM, Metliški grad
Tuesday 30 April at 6 PM, Galerija Štekl
Friday 3 May at 7 PM, Okrepčevalnica Cerje
Friday 3 May at 7 PM, Caffe Teater