15. 01. 2025


On Wednesday morning, our long-time director and driving force, Janoš Kern (1955–2025), said goodbye forever.

As we bid farewell to those who enriched our time and space, we may feel that we were not able to truly get to know them, even though we had ample opportunity to do so. Janoš Kern, whose personality embodied serenity and inclusiveness, intertwined his life with a special mission. He looked beyond the limits of the possible, towards seemingly unattainable goals, always one step ahead of his fellow travelers or colleagues, ready to take risks, yet with an ear for others, for the diversity of art and the world. Of course, he will remain in our collective memory especially as the initiator, soul, heart and organizing mind of the institution and artistic project Imago Sloveniae. In it, he combined a sense of beauty with his unwavering desire for inclusiveness and the widest accessibility of culture. Thank you, Janoš, for turning the beautiful into the good and for unwaveringly following your dream.

We will miss you dearly.

© IMAGO SLOVENIAE 2025. Vse pravice pridržane
Izdelava spletne strani: Pozitiven Design, Oblikovanje: LUKS Studio