15. July
at 21.00
Metliški grad (Metlika Castle) - Metlika

AUTETNO (Slovenia)

Eva Jurgec, oboe, flute
Teo Krilić, guitar, vocals
Uros Jezdić, accordion
Tomy Farkaš, bass guitar
Goran Radovanović, percussion

The lively tunes of Autetno are a tempestuous blend of global music heritage based in the study of musical traditions from the Balkans and wider European Space. The band emerged from the desire to construct a bridge connecting Slovenia with the cultures of the Balkanian realm. 

Admission: 7 €


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© IMAGO SLOVENIAE 2024. Vse pravice pridržane
Izdelava spletne strani: Pozitiven Design, Oblikovanje: LUKS Studio