19. July
at 20.30
Stari-Gornji trg, Ljubljana


Igor Lumpert, tenor saxophone
Jani Moder, guitar
Philipp Zafrl, double bass
Lovro Bone, drums

Progressive tenor saxophonist and composer Igor Lumpert, who currently lives and works in New York, began his studies at the age of nineteen at the Bruckner Conservatory in Linz, Austria. After graduating with honors in Austria, he received a scholarship to study at the prestigious New School, leading to his relocation to New York in the fall of 2000. There, he studied under some of the world’s leading musicians, including George Garzone, Reggie Workman, Buster Williams, Chico Hamilton, and Billy Harper. Lumpert’s music is a unique blend of jazz, funk, Eastern European rhythms, and modern neo-bop sketches.

Photo: Jaka Vinšek

Admission free.

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Izdelava spletne strani: Pozitiven Design, Oblikovanje: LUKS Studio