29. August
at 20.00
Gornji trg (Upper Square) - Ljubljana


Polona Udovič, vocals
Timi Krajnc, guitar
Vojko Vešligaj, guitar
Mitja Režman, bass guitar

“The storm of passion and peace of the ocean that rests somewhere between the Iberian Peninsula, South America and the rich folk tradition is the muse(ic) that connects Polona, ​​Timi, Vojko, and Mitja. Mascara explores the space inside and outside the canvas of serious music, carefully, respectfully paints across the line, with a brush of taut strings and the warmth of the voice.” The members of the ensemble are prominent artists in the domestic and wider artistic space, and their work is intertwined with many individuals, ensembles, orchestras, concert halls and festivals around the world. Their music full-blooded, directly and concentrated decants longings caught between the streets of Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Lisbon…, between brothels and milongas, between joy and pain, between merchants, sailors, and African immigrants. It is music that plays at night, it comes with the moon and dies with the sun… Musicians are connected by the crossroads of history, where every night those who are and those who seemingly are no more meet. There is a Mascara cafe on the corner and if you come closer you will hear Mariza, Dulce Pontes, Astor Piazzolla, Amalia Rodrigues and many others…

The record of the Mascara quartet Minha Terra is created as a synthesis of musical cultures based on Fado, and is the longing of musicians for the coexistence of nations on earth. It is an expression of awareness of the oneness, uniqueness, and finality of the planet we live on. Minha Terra is a tribute to the Earth and the beauty of living in cultural diversity. The record was made in the year of memory of the great “Rainha do Fado” Amalia Rodrigues, 20 years after her death.

Admission free.

Due to safety measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections, all visitors must disinfect their hands regularly, and observe a safety distance of at least 1.5 m. According to the NIJZ regulation, the collection of personal data of all visitors is mandatory, the data must be kept for 30 days. To ensure safety, we kindly ask all visitors to strictly follow the instructions. If you suspect that you have come in contact with the coronavirus or are showing typical signs of the disease, do not attend the event. Let’s take care of ourselves and our loved ones.

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Izdelava spletne strani: Pozitiven Design, Oblikovanje: LUKS Studio