26. August
at 18.00
Knežji dvorec (The Old Counts' Mansion) - Celje

Orkester tradicijskih glasbil in novih tehnologij

Musical-scenic experience with the Argentine ensemble Orchestra of Traditional Musical Instruments and New Technologies, which will present the music and musical instruments of ancient South American civilizations on the stage under the Tree House. The event will take place in the Barbara Celjska Hall in the Prince’s Mansion Celje, Trg Celjskih knezov 8.

The event will be held in cooperation with the E-Art Institute of Art and Ecology and the Celeia Institute.

Before that, at 16.00, there will be a discussion with the Orchestra about the spiritual aspects of creating a ensemble in the Theosophical Library and Alma Karlin Reading Room.

Admission free!

© IMAGO SLOVENIAE 2025. Vse pravice pridržane
Izdelava spletne strani: Pozitiven Design, Oblikovanje: LUKS Studio