29. July
at 20.30
Kulturni dom (Cultural Centre) Gorica (IT)


Festival Prečkanja – Sconfinamenti
Concert of  Piano Masterclass Participants

Angela Chen
Jukichio Yokota
Daisuke Yagi
Mattia Fusi
Sergio Scibilia
Lian Pucihar
David Irimescu
Maor Sivan
Manuel Cicero
Oksana Oposhnian
Riccardo Burato
Paola Possamai
Mak Muni Mihevc

The high level of the pianists selected to participate in Alexander Gadjiev’s piano masterclass promises evenings we won’t soon forget. The concerts are sure to be gripping and colourful, we will bare witness to individual interpretative voices honed by one of the world’s foremost pianists of our time,  Alexander Gadjiev, who framed the role of concerts as follows: »Playing concerts is vital because it develops a contact with the professional world and creates conditions for furthering one’s career as well as a deeper familiarity with the profession. Artistically, concerts make it possible to delve into one’s own interpretation in different contexts and the search for one’s own individual voice, which can, after all, only manifest on stage, in the thick of emotion and intensity of concentration.« And these unique voices of each of the five pianists will make for a varied evening of first-rate piano music.

The Festival Prečkanja – Sconfinamenti project is funded by the European Union from the Small Projects Fund GO! 2025 financed by the Interreg VI-A-Italy-Slovenian 2021–2027 programme, managed by EGTC GO.

Admission free.


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