17. June
at 12.05
MSUM (Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova)


Avtorja: Irena Pivka in Brane Zorman

The sound of an unmown wild meadow, wind rustling in the trees, birdsong from the nearby shrub and the gurgling of the swallows at the next house over blends with the evening song of crickets and the buzzing of a sleepy bumblebee … between the pillows. Like a wide, soft bosom where the sound of a summer evening meadow mixes with a loved one’s breathing and heartbeat of a loved one. A resting space fitted with soft sonic pillows encourages silent and active listening. The sonic pillows complement the musical composition and enables babies, toddlers, and their caretakers.

Admission free.

In collaboration with:

KED folk, kulturno etnomuzikološko društvoOddelek za muzikologijo, Filozofska fakulteta

© IMAGO SLOVENIAE 2025. Vse pravice pridržane
Izdelava spletne strani: Pozitiven Design, Oblikovanje: LUKS Studio