27. August
at 19.00
Mestni muzej (City Museum) - Ljubljana

SAPRAMIŠKA – puppet show

Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana
Author: Svetlana Makarovič
Director: Nace Simončič / Brane Vižintin
Author of a visual image: Jaka Judnič
Puppet animators :Lena Hribar k. g./Aja Kobe, Lovro Finžgar, Boštjan Sever k. g., Marko Ujc k. g./Lea Menard k. g.

Slovenian children cannot imagine growing up without fairy tales by Svetlana Makarovič. Many puppet shows were created based on her literary proposals, which won over young audiance. The cunning and brave Sapramiška is considered to be the greatest Slovenian puppet hit. The most successful show was the one that premiered in 1986 at the Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (directed by Nace Simončič) and is continuously on the program to this day. The show was refreshed in 2016.

Admission free. Free tickets can be picked up the last hour before the puppet show at the entrance to the City Museum. The number of seats is limited, so we advise you to arrive a little earlier.

Due to the amendments to the decree on the temporary restriction of the cultural services, event may be attended only by persons with a certificate of: recovery of covid-19 (P), vaccination (C) or a negative test result, which must not be older than 48 hours (T). Entry to the event is only possible with a PCT certificate. Certificate is not required for children under the age of 15 who attend the event with close family members or guardians.

Due to safety measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections, all visitors must wear protective facemasks, disinfect their hands regularly, and observe a safety distance of at least 1,5 m.

Entry to the event is only possible with a ticket, visitors are asked to enter the venue individually, hostesses will accompany them to a vacant seat. If you suspect that you have come in contact with the coronavirus or are showing typical signs of the disease, do not attend the event.

© IMAGO SLOVENIAE 2025. Vse pravice pridržane
Izdelava spletne strani: Pozitiven Design, Oblikovanje: LUKS Studio