02. September
at 11.00
ZOO Ljubljana


Chamber ensemble of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra
Alexandra Verbitskaya & Kristina Arnič, piano
Sanhayea Song
, concertmaster

Camille Saint-Saëns (1835—1921), The Carnivale of the Animals

The humorous suite Carnival of the Animals is most probably French composer Camille Saint-Saëns’s best-known work. He designated each of the instruments a role as one of the animals, which were then presented individually in separate movements. Initial performances were mostly private, as Saint-Saëns regarded it more as a piece of fun and even prohibited its public performances during his lifetime, fearing that the composition’s frivolity would be detrimental to his standing as a series composer. In 1922, a year after the composer passed away, the suite was published and the public performance that followed in that same year garnered immense public praise and an ell around excellent reception. Even though the suite is frequently performed by full string orchestras, it was originally composed for two pianos and a chamber ensemble.

This production of the suite will be performed by a chamber ensemble comprised of members of the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra. This venerable institution traces its earliest beginnings to 1701, when its predecessor, Academia Philharmonicorum, was founded. During the time of Enlightenment and its burgeoning bourgeoisie, it was followed by the Philharmonic Society (1794), which was reputed as one of the best organised institutions of its type in all of central Europe. It is therefore no surprise that composers who gladly accepted its honorary membership included Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, Niccolò Paganini, and Johannes Brahms. Today the Orchestra of the Slovenian Philharmonics performs diverse seasonal programme series which cover the standard orchestral repertoire of the 18th and 19th century as well as the most contemporary works on one, and pieces from older historical periods on the other hand. It combines the best Slovenian musicians and, since 1990, numerous exceptional foreign instrumentalists. Its high quality and enduring tradition was also presented abroad. In the most recent decades, the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra toured the world’s most prestigious halls and most illustrious festivals.


10.15 AM and 4.15 PM -Accompanying musical program
The Magical Harp Adventure (a concert and presentation of the enchanting instrument that is the harp).

11 AM and 5 PM
Camille Saint-Saëns
(1835—1921), The Carnivale of the Animals

Admission is included in the ticket to the Ljubljana ZOO except for Slovenian Philharmonic subscribers, who will be able to attend the concert on 2 September after 4 pm admission free.

The concert is taking place on NLB VITA DAY, which will run in as many as 80 NLB branches across Slovenia. Head there to learn about each and every type of insurance you will never need. They have also prepared a small token of appreciation for you.

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