04. August
at 20.30
Mestni muzej (City Museum) - Ljubljana


Daniel Auner, violin
Barbara Auner, violin
Nikita Gerkusov, viola
Konstantin Zelenin, cello


Franz Schubert (1797–1828), Quartet Movement in c minor
Konstantia Gourzi (1962), String Quartet No. 3 »Anájikon, the Angel in the Blue Garden«
Alexander von Zemlinsky (1871–1942), String Quartet No. 1

Vienna based string quartet, winner of the Eugéne Ysaÿe competition in Liége, Belgium, and the first Austrian ensemble on the cover of the Performing Arts Yearbook of Europe, has firmly established itself in the international world of classical music. Appointed by Austria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as cultural ambassadors for the 2020/21 season, the quartet now regularly performs as part of the NASOM (The New Austrian Sound of Music) series in cultural forums and embassies worldwide. Praised for its »stylistic confidence and true emotion … for all four, chamber music seems to be the essence of music per se … « (Radio Ö1, “Intrada”), the ensemble »demonstrates refinement and prowess to both new and established repertoire«. Following an old Viennese tradition of salon concerts, the group holds a special residence in Vienna, performing regularly in the Brahms Hall of the Vienna Musikverein, the Schubert Hall of the Vienna Konzerthaus, the Arnold Schönberg Centre, the Baroque Hall of the Vienna City Hall and the Ehrbar Hall. The Auner Quartet also performs throughout Europe and the world. As passionate chamber musicians the quartet strives to not only explore the extensive repertoire, but also to present their unique rhetorical voice within the music.

As the chamber music studies with Prof. Johannes Meissl (Artis Quartett) at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna focus strongly on the mastery of the »Wiener Klang« (the famous »Viennese Sound«), as well as a sophisticated interpretation of works from the Viennese classical period; his students – Barbara, Nikita Konstantin and Daniel – went as individual musicians through one coordinated and integrated musical education. Bringing their musical inheritance and individual emotional approach from Austria, Brazil, Russia, and Belarus into this musical melting pot but sharing the same educational background, the artists use their different cultural heritage and consider it as their vocation to convey music as a spontaneous and original experience. Artistic impulses from e.g. Hatto Beyerle and Günter Pichler (Alban Berg Quartett) and Petr Prause (Talich Quartet), Alasdair Tait (Belcea Quartet), Geoffrey Nuttall and Lesley Robertson (St. Lawrence String Quartet, USA) complete their qualification. The Auner Quartet is a selected member of ECMA, the European Chamber Music Academy.

As strong advocates for outreach events and educational workshops, the Auner Quartett is actively searching to engage various communities in diverse ways. Member of the »Rhapsody in School« program founded by German pianist Lars Vogt, the quartet holds workshops in schools, making the often first approach to classical music for young listeners. In a time of shrinking audiences, the group considers it a duty to personally address new audience. The ensemble also engages in social work, often in collaboration with the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs that includes masterclasses and performances for numerous youth music programs in Peru, Brazil, Belize, and South Africa.

The album that has been released by Gramola record label in 2018, with Simon Reitmaier on the Clarinet – featuring Clarinet Quintets by Mozart, Reger and Leitner, has been highly appraised by its critics. An album of the chamber music works by Johanna Doderer has been released by Capriccio record label in 2019 and a new recording with string quartets from Egon Wellesz, Alexander von Zemlinsky and Anton von Webern will be released in spring 2021.

The Auner Quartett is a partner of the Viennese string manufacturer Thomastik Infeld, working closely on improvements of their outstanding products. Daniel plays on »Elia«, a violin by Giovanni Battista Guadagnini and the violist Nikita on an instrument by Giovanni Paolo Maggini, two generous loans from the collection of precious instruments of the Austrian National Bank.

Admission free. Free tickets can be picked up the last hour before the concert at the entrance to the City Museum. The number of seats is limited, so we advise you to arrive a little earlier.

Due to the amendments to the decree on the temporary restriction of the cultural services, event may be attended only by persons with a certificate of: recovery of covid-19 (P), vaccination (C) or a negative test result, which must not be older than 48 hours (T). Entry to the event is only possible with a PCT certificate. Certificate is not required for children under the age of 15 who attend the event with close family members or guardians.

Due to safety measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections, all visitors must wear protective facemasks, disinfect their hands regularly, and observe a safety distance of at least 1,5 m.

Entry to the event is only possible with a ticket, visitors are asked to enter the venue individually, hostesses will accompany them to a vacant seat. If you suspect that you have come in contact with the coronavirus or are showing typical signs of the disease, do not attend the event.

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