26. August
at 22.00
Stari-Gornji trg, Ljubljana

DENISE DANTAS & THE BAND (Brasil, Italy, Slovenia)

Denise Dantas, vocals
Egon Boštjančič, guitar
Davide Tomasetig, keys
Roberto Franceschini, bass
Primož Podobnik, drums

Renowned Brazilian singer and actress Denise Dantas has created a unique expression that combines traditional music of Brazil and the Mediterranean, which is full of exotic rhythms and emotional energy. In a multicultural dialogue with “Southern European musicians” she intertwined the musical tradition of her native Bahia, especially the original chorinho and samba genre, with Mediterranean ethno melodies, creating a truly recognizable sound. The sound of the ensemble is based on a passionate and dynamic samba and intimate and sophisticated chorinho. The attractive “Brasileiro music” with a Mediterranean touch is supported by the experienced vocal interpretation of Denise Dantas, who sings about turbulent history, spirituality and diversity of her homeland.

For more than two decades Denise has been combining two different musical cultures, and since 2004, she has lived between Italy and Slovenia. She dedicates herself to the expansion of Brazilian music and culture in Europe and collaborates with various musicians in northern Italy, Spain and Slovenia. She began her artistic career in the 1980’s as a singer at local clubs in the city of Feira de Santana in Bahia. Bahia and the capital Salvador are considered as one of the centers of Brazilian music, and Denise has made her way toward forefront of the music scene with her distinctive voice and numerous victories in singing competitions. She has collaborated with established artists such as Geronimo, Vevé Calazans, Saul Barbosa, Tonho Materia, Paulinho Boca de Cantor, and Master Fred Dantas.

Admission free.

Due to the amendments to the decree on the temporary restriction of the cultural services, event may be attended only by persons with a certificate of: recovery of covid-19 (P), vaccination (C) or a negative test result, which must not be older than 48 hours (T). Entry to the event is only possible with a PCT certificate. Certificate is not required for children under the age of 15 who attend the event with close family members or guardians.

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