20. October
at 20.00
Espacio Turina - Sevilla

DIALOGUE OF CULTURE AND TIME (Slovenia/Switzerland/Germany, Spain)

Klara Tomljanovič, guitar


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Prelude to the Suite in G minor BWV 995
Manuel de Falla (1876-1946)
Hommage to the tomb od Claude Debussy
Isaac Albéniz (1860-1909)
Ástor Piazzolla (1921-1992)
Milonga del angél
La muerte del angél
Alberto Carretero (1985)

For our world-renowned contemporary music performer, the guitarist Klara Tomljanovič, we have commissioned 4 new works by composers Márton Illés (Hungary), Tomaž Bajželj (Slovenia), Alberto Carretero (Spain), and Steingrimurg Rohloff (Denmark) as part of our new international project, The Dialogue of Culture and Time. After the premiere in Ljubljana, a quick tour in Slovenia and a concert in Berlin, the project is coming to Sevilla, where the guitarist will present a melange of classical guitar reperotire and Carretero‘s new work Phórminx.

Klara Tomljanovič is a Basel-based Slovenian guitarist and a globally recognized performer of contemporary music. She studied with Sonja Prunnbauer in Freiburg and Oscar Ghiglia in Basel. While still a student, she started performing with Aleph Guitar Quartet, which quickly amassed international critical acclaim thanks to their intensive new music work and numerous performances at various festivals of contemporary music in Europe and Asia. Tomljanovič has been hosted by many musical series and festivals in Germany, e.g. Musik Eclat in Stuttgart, the Berlin-based Maerzmusik, Musica viva in München, Internationale Weingartener Tage für Neue Musik and Hamburger Klangwerktage, as well as festivals in other countries: Warsaw Autumn in Poland, Archipel in Switzerland, Pan Festival in Seoul in South Korea, Villa Massimo in Italy and Teatre Metropol in Tarragona, Spain. Moreover, she collaborates with various noted ensembles (Ensemble Mosaik, Ensemble Experimental), orchestras (Southwest German Radio Symphony Orchestra SWR, the Slovenian Philharmonic and the Slovenian Radio and Television Orchestra) and has also worked with a number of soloists: Teodoro Anzellotti, Ernesto Molinari, Isao Nakamura, Petra Hoffmann, Renate Greiss-Armin, Miguel Àngel Marín, Uroš Rojko … While Tomljanovič dedicates herself completely to interpretations of new music on both emotional and intellectual level, she remains faithful to her classical guitar repertoire, especially that of the early 20th century.

Alberto Carretero is a Spanish composer born in Seville in 1985. He is the recipient of international prizes such as the INJUVE Composition Award, the Flashback Ensemble, the SGAE Orchestra and the Cajamadrid Award, as well as the prestigious Real Maestranza, bestowed on him by the King of Spain. His doctoral thesis on bio-inspired composition with artificial intelligence techniques won him a prize for outstanding dissertation.

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