14. August
at 20.30
Gornji trg (Upper Square) - Ljubljana

JANI ŠEPETAVEC: In Recital with Blues

Jani Šepetavec, tenor and alto saxophone
Grega S. Crnković, guitar
Erik LaPierre Čebokli, electric bass
Žiga Kožar, drums

On the album “In Recital with Blues” Jani Šepetavec presents his own compositions, based on the concept of modern blues, combined with shuffle, funk, and afro-beat rhythm. He brings to the foreground the simultaneous playing of the main melody on saxophone and guitar, which occasionally transforms into a “call and response” pattern that reminds of the old, classical blues.

Saxophone player from Nova Gorica (Slovenia) began his studies at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet Ljubljana, and after got his Master’s degree at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, where he studied under prof. Karlheinz Miklin. He attended many masterclasses with renowned mentors such as Don Menza, Dave Liebman, Jerry Bergonzi, Bob Mintzer, and Donny Mccaslin. He writes music for different projects and creates his own compositions. As a multi-instrumentalist, he regularly performs with renowned Slovenian musicians.

Admission free.

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Izdelava spletne strani: Pozitiven Design, Oblikovanje: LUKS Studio