24. August
at 20.30
Mestni muzej (City Museum) - Ljubljana

LUISA SELLO AND LE AGANE (Italy, Austria, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia)

Luisa Sello, flute
Veronica Bortot, flute
Sara Brumat, flute, piccolo, microtheatre
Marina De Palma, flute, baroque flute
Ksenija Franeta, flute, alto flute
Birgit Karoh, flute, bass flute, microtheatre
Tijana Krulj, flute, bass flute
Ilaria Prelaz, flute, dance
Anita Prelovsek, flute 


Michael Praetorius (1571–1621)
Bransle double 

Pavle Merkù (1927–2014)

Marc Berthomieu (1906–1991)
Arcadie, III. Dryades

Astor Piazzolla (1921–1992)
Los Pajaros perdidos (The Lost Birds) (arr. M. Baratello)
Milonga (arr. M. Baratello) 

Marino Baratello (1951)
Il veleno e l’ambrosia (Venom and ambrosia)

Alessandro Orologio (1555–1633)
Intradae Quinque & sex vocibus (Five intradas & six words) 

Rainer Bischof (1947)
Quadrifoglio (Quadrilateral)

Jan Clark (1964)

Giorgio Mainerio (1535-1582)
First Book of Dances
XII Schiarazule Marazule
IV Caro Ortolano  

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767
Fantasia No. 7 in D major, TWV 40:8

Joseph Bodin de Boismortier (1689–1755)
Concerto in A minor, op. 15/2

Luisa Sello
Echi (Echoes)

Carlo Corazza (1978)

Philip Selby (1948–2010)
Spirit of the Earth 

Daniele Zanettovich (1950)
Lis Aganis
Canzone e passamezzo

Luisa Sello, who was defined by the New York Concert Review as “lovely mix of extroverted passion and genuine tenderness, with excellent breath control, brilliant technical rendering, engaging intensity, sonorous range and abundance of charm”, is a Flute Miyazawa Artist, and an Ambassador of Music and Italian Culture, supported by the Italian Ministry of Culture. Her rich international career includes collaborations with Riccardo Muti, Teatro alla Scala di Milano, New York Carnegie Hall, Wien Symphony Orchestra, Thailand Symphony Orchestra, Trevor Pinnock, Alirio Diaz, Philippe Entremont, Bruno Canino, Karl Leister, Prazak String Quartett, Salvatore Sciarrino, Aldo Clementi, and Rainer Bischof (première performances). She is a flute professor at the Academy of Music in Trieste (Italy), a professor at the New Bulgarian University of Sofia (Bulgaria), and a visiting professor at the Universities in Vienna, Beijing, Madrid, Melbourne, Toronto, Kyoto, Edinburgh, and Buenos Aires among others. She holds an ArtD in Performing Arts, and a PhD in Linguistic and Literary Sciences. She studied in Paris with Raymond Guiot and Alain Marion, who proclaimed her »very musical, superb«, and at the Accademia Chigiana with Severino Gazzelloni, who remarked her »magnificent interpretive sensibility and excellent sound«.

The ensemble Le Agane, established by the internationally acclaimed flutist Luisa Sello, quickly attracted attention of professional critics, and gained excellent reviews. Many composers were inspired by the new sound of the group, and by its ability to jump from the renaissance style to the most contemporary techniques. Besides the skills of the flutists, the audience has been impressed also by their charm and capability of the ensemble to combine music, dance, and microtheatre. They use a variety of flutes, including piccolo, alto, bass and baroque flute. The ensemble Le Agane has already performed at international festivals in Beijing, Qingdao, Vienna, and Rome among others.

Admission free. Free tickets can be picked up the last hour before the concert at the entrance to the City Museum. The number of seats is limited, so we advise you to arrive a little earlier.

Due to the amendments to the decree on the temporary restriction of the cultural services, event may be attended only by persons with a certificate of: recovery of covid-19 (P), vaccination (C) or a negative test result, which must not be older than 48 hours (T). Entry to the event is only possible with a PCT certificate. Certificate is not required for children under the age of 15 who attend the event with close family members or guardians.

Due to safety measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections, all visitors must wear protective facemasks, disinfect their hands regularly, and observe a safety distance of at least 1,5 m.

Entry to the event is only possible with a ticket, visitors are asked to enter the venue individually, hostesses will accompany them to a vacant seat. If you suspect that you have come in contact with the coronavirus or are showing typical signs of the disease, do not attend the event.

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