Mónika Lakatos, voice
Mihály “Mazsi” Rostás, guitar, tambura, voice
Antal Máté Kovács, percussion
Mónika Lakatos is one of the most prominent and worldwide acknowledged Hungarian Vlach Roma performers. In 2020, she received the highest World Music recognition, the Womex Award. The award is often mentioned as the Oscar for World Music, which Mónika got as the first Roma performer. With her FolkTrio, she performs Vlach Roma songs that she enriches with music of other nationalities, while paying special attention to the traditions of her own culture. In this formation, she is accompanied with a guest percussionist and her husband Mihály Mazsi Rostás on guitar and vocals.
Admission free. *In case of rain, the concert will take place at the atrium ZRC.
Due to the amendments to the decree on the temporary restriction of the cultural services, event may be attended only by persons with a certificate of: recovery of covid-19 (P), vaccination (C) or a negative test result, which must not be older than 48 hours (T). Entry to the event is only possible with a PCT certificate. Certificate is not required for children under the age of 15 who attend the event with close family members or guardians.
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