08. August
at 20.30
Ljubljanski grad, grajsko dvorišče (Ljubljana Castle Courtyard) - Ljubljana


Conductor: Andrei Shlyachkov

Soloist: Nadežda Tokareva, violin

There is a limited number of available seats. Free tickets are available at Ljubljana Castle sales points and Lower Funicular Station, till last day before the concert (till 7th of August) also at Imago Sloveniae offices on Gornji trg 16, Ljubljana. 

*In event of bad weather, the concert will be held in Hribar hall.

National treasure of Russia, the Nekrasov Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of Radio and Television of Russia was created in December 1945.

In different years the orchestra was led by the outstanding Russian conductors including Vladimir Fedoseyev and Nikolai Nekrasov (his name now bears the Orchestra).

Nekrasov orchestra performs music of various styles, eras, genres and styles. The ensemble’s repertoire includes Russian folk music, music of contemporary Russian composers, Russian and foreign classics and modern music.

A large number of works recorded by the orchestra in the «Golden Collection» of Radio and Television of Russia. With the orchestra are the best performers on various instruments, as well as renowned soloists of Opera theatres and creative young people.

The special place in creativity of the Nekrasov orchestra takes concert activity – concerts in the Moscow Philharmonic Society, participation in music festivals.

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